Become a member!

All persons having Tremblay ancestry, whether it be from paternal side or from maternal side, and also their spouses, are invited to join the Association. Apparently, some people are convinced that they cannot become members of the Association des Tremblay d’Amérique because they do not bear the name Tremblay, for instance because they took the name of their spouse or because their father was not a Tremblay although their mother was a Tremblay. The Association has many members, even life members, who are in this situation. Moreover, most spouse-members were not born Tremblay. The Association des Tremblay d’Amérique opens its membership to any person interested in the familial patrimony of the great founding families of the Province of Quebec.  Please forward this information to any relative or friend hesitating to become a member for this reason.

The benefits

Four issues of La Tremblaie per year
Annual Family meeting to meet other family members

A genealogical research service for direct line ancestry, from Tremblay bearers to the first ancestor

Activities organized by the association
Merchandise bearing the Tremblay coat of arms is also available